Who Was Aradia?

In October 2007, I stumbled arcross an incredible article about Aradia by Sabina Magliocco.

Who Was Aradia? The History and Development of a Legend
The Pomegranate: The Journal of Pagan Studies, Issue 18, Feb. 2002
by Sabina Magliocco
California State University, Northridge

The article is long--about 16 pages. Hence, you might prefer to print it out in order to read it.

I was delighted in that the author confirmed certain points in my mind, while raising other questions.

Sabina Magliocco, Ph.D., is Professor of Anthropology at California State University. She grew up in Italy and the United States. She has published on religion, folklore, foodways, festival, witchcraft and Neo-Paganism in Europe and the United States. A recipient of Guggenheim, National Endowment for the Humanities, Fulbright and Hewlett fellowships, and an honorary Fellow of the American Folklore Society, she also serves as editor of Western Folklore. She has done fieldwork in Sardinia (Italy) as well as among contemporary Pagans in the San Francisco Bay area, and is an author a number of articles and books. She is a Gardnerian initiate.

Dr. Magliocco's books include:
Witching Culture: Folklore and Neo-Paganism in America (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004)
Neo-Pagan Sacred Art and Altars: Making Things Whole (University of Mississippi Press, 2001)
Le due Marie di Bessude: festa e trasformazione sociale in Sardegna (Ozieri, Italy: Edizioni Il Torchietto, 1995)
The Two Madonnas: the Politics of Festival in a Sardinian Community (1993; 2nd Edition, Waveland Press, 2005).

Back issues of Pomegranate are available on CD from the publisher for $20.

Myth Woodling, 2007

History: Origins of the Name, Aradia
Herodias on NAMEDOCTOR