
This site is not part of the official CPC website. It is, however, a collection of practices related to how the members of CPC often celebrate the eight holidays of Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostre, Beltane, Midsommer, Lughnasadh, and Mabon. This website was begun in 2005 by Myth Woodling, with the assistance of her webmaster/Spouse, Thoron Woodling, and is offered as a free service to the CPC community. More information will be added about the holidays as seems relevant. Please send comments and suggestions to Myth Woodling.


Samhain (pronounced "sow-in") is the Celtic New Year. Most Neo-Pagans celebrate Samhain as the time when the veils between the worlds of life and death are thin. It is the third and final harvest of the Autumn. During this time, Faerie and the spirits of the dear departed are said to be active upon the earth. Many Neo-Pagans honor those who have gone before them and do not fear their ancestors. CPC generally celebrates this holiday the weekend before or after October 31.

CPC's Feast for the Ancestors is a powerful rite connecting the realm of the Ancestors with our own reality. In the past, we have made food offerings to a bonfire built in a fire-safe container. During these offerings, we pray for those who have passed into Eternity in the last twelve months, for the souls of our Pagan ancestors, for our dead friends and family members, as well as for our spiritual ancestors. Our loving prayers are sent to those who have made their transition, asking for their support during our life's walk in this realm. Many of us believe our prayers and food offerings sustain the Dead for the coming twelve months, and maintain a connection with the past and the present.

Jack O' the Lantern
Santa Muerte
Turkey Tayac
Los Dias de Los Muertos
CPC Samhain photos

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