Down Down Baby

"Let's get the rhythm..."
Rhythm language was used by the Gullah people of the Sea Islands of the Carolinas. In the 1800's, Gullah woman would send messages by beating on wash tubs or pounding scrub boards.

There are many variations of Down Down Baby, and the lyrics of it vary based on region, era, and ethnicity. This is the particular African-American version which I learned.

The "singing game" of Down Down Baby does not have anything directly to do with hoodoo nor the Gullah. I've included it because I liked it. In this game playing with sound, beat, and language, can you hear the the rhythm of the words echoing the beat of the traditional rhythms, the beat of the dance of life?

Down Down Baby

Down down baby, down by the roller coaster (shimmy shoulders and arms)
Sweet sweet baby, I'll never let you go. (hug yourself)

Shimmy shimmy co-co pop, (hands on hips and shimmy hips in time to beat)
Shimmy shimmy bop! (hands on hips and shimmy hips in time to beat)
Shimmy shimmy co-co pop, (hands on hips and shimmy hips in time to beat)
Shimmy shimmy bop! (hands on hips and shimmy hips in time to beat)

Grandma, Grandma-ma, sick in bed, (spread hands)
Called the doctor and the doctor said: (while mimicing a phone call)

Let's get the rhythm of the head--ding dong,
(rock the head side to side like a bell clapper in time with "ding dong" with hands on hips)
Let's get the rhythm of the head--ding dong,
(rock the head side to side like a bell clapper in time with "ding dong" with hands on hips)
Let's get the rhythm of the hands--clap, clap, (two hand claps in time with "clap, clap")
Let's get the rhythm of the hands--clap, clap, (two hand claps in time with "clap, clap")
Let's get the rhythm of the feet--stomp, stomp,
(stomp feet; first right foot, then left, in time with "stomp, stomp")
Let's get the rhythm of the feet--stomp, stomp.
(stomp feet; first right foot, then left, in time with "stomp, stomp")

Put it all together and what do you get?

Ding dong! (rock head)
Clap clap! (two hand claps)
Stomp stomp! (stomp feet)

Say it all backward and what do you get?

Stomp stomp! (stomp feet)
Clap clap! (two hand claps)
Ding dong! (rock head)

Draw Me a Bucket of Water
Spirituals and Singing Games
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