Spirit Work: Litany of the Saints

The Litany of the Saints is one of the oldest Catholic prayers still in use. This prayer is said to have originated around 595, when it was used by Pope Gregory (Saint Gregory the Great who lived 540-604; Pope from 590-604). In 590, Pope Gregory ordered a Litania Septiformis ("sevenfold procession") of the clergy and the faithful following a series of terrible floods and disease in Rome.  I have noticed on-line and in prayer books that there are sometimes some minor variations—usually very minor. The Evangelical Lutheran Worship also contains a Litany of the Saints—however each of these saints appeared in Scripture. The Litany of Saints also appeared in the Episcopal Church’s Book of Common Prayer. Some Episcopal churches have adapted litanies of saints for their local purposes.

In his book Hoodoo Mysteries: Folk Magic, Mysticism & Rituals, 2003, Rev. Ray T. Malbrough shared some of the hoodoo practices found in New Orleans, LA (NOLA) as well as found in and around the backwoods and bayous of Louisiana.   As stated elsewhere on this website, hoodoo is a spiritual system which adapts and adjusts to the larger culture around it. In areas where Protestantism was dominant, practitioners primarily used holy scripture and verses--often from the King James Version. In areas where Christian Catholicism was dominant, practitioners often used devotions to various saints and Catholic prayers. Since most of the population in Louisiana is Catholic, most hoodooists in Louisiana grew up with these Catholic traditions.

If you wish to compare the text below with a more standard version of the Litany of Saints, a simple web search will reveal versions of this devotion on many websites.

Malbrough provided the below version of the “Litany of Saints” on pp. 26-30. The term Bon Dieu is French for "Good God." According to Malbrough, Bon Dieu is the Cajun French term for God.

Malbrough explained about how the Litany of Saints is adapted and used not only in his own hoodoo practice, but by others as well:

The Litany will vary from house to house, depending on the group of saints placed upon the Hoodoo altar, as these saints are included in the Litany. … (Note: “Pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye,” is the response by all present. Ago ye is an African formula meaning, [ago] “attention, ” and ye  “to the soul or psyche.”) p. 28.
In standard Catholic practice, the Litany of the Saints can be prayed alone or in a group setting. If prayed in a group setting, the group responds to a leader in a church service or private prayer service with a response by all present in the group.

In Catholicism, the Litany of Saints is used in the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night. Likewise, the Litany of Saints also can be included into the Catholic masses of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day. There will be other occasions when it is used--such as the Liturgy of Ordinations.

Privately, the Litany of Saints can be used anytime.

Litany of the Saints

Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy,  ago-ago ye.
Lord, have mercy. Christ, hear us, Christ, graciously hear us, ago-ago ye.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us, ago-ago ye.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us, ago-ago ye.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us, ago-ago ye.
Holy Trinity, one God,  have mercy on us, ago-ago ye.
Holy Mary, Holy Mother of God, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Holy virgin of virgins, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Michael, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Gabriel, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Raphael, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
All ye, Holy Angels and Archangels, we are all angels, pray and intercede for us, our life is in the hands of the Bon Dieu [Good God], ago-ago ye.
All ye Holy Orders of Blessed Spirits, we are all angels, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint John the Baptist, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Joseph, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
All you holy Patriarchs and Prophets, we are all angels, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Peter, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Paul, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Andrew, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint James, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint John, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Thomas, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Louis, King of France, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Philip, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
We are in the hands of the Bon Dieu [Good God], ago-ago ye, ago-ago ye, ago-ago ye.
Saint Bartholomew, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Matthias, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Simon, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Thaddeus, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Expedite, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Matthew, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Barnabas, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Luke, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Mark, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Patrick, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Raymond, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Roch, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Cipriano, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Blaise, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
All you holy Apostles, Evangelists, holy Innocents, and Disciples of the Lord, we are all angels in the hands of the Bon Dieu [Good God]. Pray for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Stephen, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Laurence, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Vincent de Paul, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Fabian and Saint Sebastian, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint John and Saint Paul, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Gervase and Saint Protase, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
All ye holy Martyrs, we are all angels in the hands of the Bon Dieu [Good God]. Pray for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Silvester, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Gregory, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Ambrose, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Augustine, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Jerome, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Martin de Porres, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Nicholas, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
All you holy Bishops and Confessors, we are all angels in the hands of the Bon Dieu [Good God]. Pray for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Anthony of Padua, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.pray for us.
Saint Benedict, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Bernard, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Dominic, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Francis of Assisi, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Mary Magdalene, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Agatha, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Lucia, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Agnes, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Cecilia, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Catharine, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Martha, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Joan of Arc, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Philomena, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Clare of Assisi, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
Saint Anne, pray and intercede for us, ago-ago ye.
All ye holy men and women, saints of God, make intercession for us.
We are all saints in the hands of the Good God, make intercession for us.

--Ray T. Malbrough, Hoodoo Mysteries: Folk Magic, Mysticism & Rituals, 2003, pp.28-30.

Malbrough also stated on p. 30:
As one can see here, the Litany can be quite long. I have purposely have left off some of the ending to this Litany as it invokes God and the saints fror protection against diverse calamities, such as storm, floods, sudden death, etc., in the belief that is better for congregations present to add their own petitions for protection or whatever it is felt is needed by any one in the congregation, even sending out a prayer of intercession of another.
Malbrough wrote that he has occasionally used this litany prior to reciting the Rosary of the Dead. I would assume that he did so in association with funerals and/or All Souls. He likewise stated, "The Litany of Saints sometimes proceeds the opening ceremony of the Spiritist Reunions that I hold in my home." p. 26.

Once again, I urge anyone interested in this devotion as part of their spirit work or hoodoo work to read information and different versions of this litany on the web as well as in various religious tomes. In particular, see my primary source: Rev. Ray T. Malbrough’s Hoodoo Mysteries: Folk Magic, Mysticism & Rituals, 2003.

--Myth Woodling, 2019

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