Samhain’s Black Plate Special: Nutritious Nibbles of
Fruit and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

When I located a Wiccan coven back in 1984, it was customary to eat lunch then hold off on any dinner until the celebratory feast was served after the sabbat ritual. This system is fine for healthy 20-somethings, but doesn’t quite work well for those with health issues and is a really bad idea for a large community event with young children. Children with hungry tummies just fill up on salty chips and sugary cookies, causing problems later.

When CPC started having its day long Samhains, it occurred to me that someone ought to provide something for nibbles for both children and adults.

I’m not exactly certain when, but at some point I came up with the idea of “Black Plate Special” for something I saw in a photo in a Martha Stewart magazine. The photo showed black pumpernickel bread, black fresh and dried fruit, and white cheese, artfully arranged on a black platter.

To create the Black Plate Special:

To make the grilled cheese sandwiches:

Melt butter in frying pan. Arrange several slices of pumpernickel bread with slices of white cheese. Top with another slice of pumpernickel bread. On medium heat, lightly grill both sides. Remove from pan and set aside. Cut finished sandwiches into quarters. Put into a plastic container with lid to keep fresh until serving.


When you arrive at the location of the community Samhain event, place sandwiches on black platter. Arrange with black fruit. Set out any extra cheese slices for those children who might prefer plain cheese.

These nutritious nibbles should help keep children grounded in the healthy seasonal spirit of fun, rather than crashing from a sugar rush prior to the official Samhain feast. Adults have also commented that they enjoy these noir (black) nibbles, elegant and appetizing.

Copyright 2011 Myth Woodling

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