Candle Magick for Prosperity

This type of magick can be done with a coven or as a solitary practitioner. Prosperity magick is especially well suited to the phase of the full moon.

If you are working with a coven be sure to let the assistant who is setting up the circle, or the High Priestess, or High Priest know that you would like to do a prosperity magick this particular moon circle before hand. Also make certain that whatever oils or herbs you wish as well as a green candle and a sturdy holder of the correct size is set in the ritual space. Whoever is setting up the altar can place these items on or near the altar. You may also need a carving tool (such as a pin). Patchouli is an appropriate oil, but plain olive oil could be used--as well as some other scented oils. (In the prosperity section of my Aradia website--for example--I give a directions to anoint a green or white taper with olive oil and roll it in powdered rue leaves.)

After an assistant has set up all necessary items to prepare the ritual space, the coven together will create sacred space and invoke Deity. After the purpose of the ritual has been completed, then coven together will bless the simple feast and give thanks to Deity and finally return to mundane space. (If you are acting as a solitary you will have to take care of all these steps yourself.)

The appropriate time for magicks is during the main purpose of the ritual. (In other words, after Deity has been invoked and before the simple feast.)

Take a small dripless green candle.

Some magickal bookstores and supply stores sell short (about 4 inch tall), round thin candles in a variety of colors. These can be ideal and some groups keep a supply on hand--which coveners are supposed to help pay for. (Likely a coven will also store the correct size candle holders.) Small votive candles come in a variety of colors, and these can be ideal for spell work too. Wee little tea lights also come in different colors. I always keep a store of votives and tea lights for personal use.

It is true candles are sold in a variety of sizes and shapes. Beeswax candles are traditional and they are dripless. Candles with unusual shapes can be nice, including the sundry "magickal figure candles."

Just remember a lot of these shaped candles seem to drip messy puddles of wax. Though there may be a reason to burn a large pillar candle or one of those "seven day candles" in a glass holder for some special magickal working, just remember--as with some other things--bigger is not always better.

Green is the color symbolizing growth, prosperity, fertility, etc. It's not simply the color of paper money. Green is the color of vegetables, grass, trees (deciduous and evergreen), herbs, seaweed, the God as the Green Man, etc.

Before you do anything to prepare the candle magically, get a suitable candle holder into which the candle fits properly, and make certain that this candle holder has a wide enough base that it won't tip the lit candle over if someone joggles the altar "just a bit." I cannot stress fire safety enough. Fire is a awesome and dangerous element. Fire was the first and most powerful gift of the ancient ones. Neither the salamanders nor the Gods will respect you if you do not respect the element of fire.

To "dress the candle" and enhance your magickal charge, carve your intention into the candle by using some appropriate sigils or runes. The Norse rune Fehu is appropriate for prosperity as it relates to material wealth. A covener might want to also carve something like the Wiccan symbol for the threefold moon, or even the planetary sigil or sign for Jupiter. The moon is associated with coin and money. The planet Jupiter is associated with business, barter, and careers, and hence is appropriate if the covener is seeking a raise at her/his employment or a career-change leading to more money. A covener can also use other symbols, sigils, glyphs, images--including the modern dollar sign. Remember the purpose of these symbols is to help the covener focus her/his intent.

To finish "dressing the candle," the covener anoints the carved candle with an oil. S/he dabs some oil on her/his hands. Starting in the center or midway in the candle, s/he first strokes up to the top near the wick. Then s/he strokes from the top back down all the way to the base.

Plain olive can be used--as can other types of oil. If someone uses an unscented oil s/he may roll the candle in a dry powdered herb.

Patchouli scented oil is a good scent for a full moon ritual--particularly at one in which the God has been invoked. Patchouli has a strong earthy scent which can relate to the cthonic God. It is also a witchy scent which relates to the Moon Goddess of the Witches. Plus patchouli also has an association with wealth.

Nevertheless, many other scented oils could be used just as effectively, and many Wiccans have their own favorites. Generally, a covener will also say a small rhyme, blessing, or affirmation to empower it. Coveners often make up their own words for this. Sibyl Leek recorded some traditional wording to empower a candle spell.

Frequently a whole coven will recite something together if they were charging several candles or other similar magicks together in order to raise the cone of power over the magicks. Indeed the coven together could recite the Wiccan Chant and/or the EKO EKO chant while seated around the altar holding hands.

Afterwards, coveners will bind the spell and ground any excess energy.

If every purpose for a moon circle had been completed, coveners could now partake of the simple feast, thank Deity, and return to mundane space.

If you are performing a prosperity candle magick alone as a solitary, you will need to follow the out line below. When it is time to use this moon candle, one should carve whatever symbols necessary and anoint the candle with olive oil.

Solitary Wiccan Candle Magick for Prosperity


Gather all your materials on your altar. You may wish to make a list. The four candles of the four compass directions can be set on the altar if you are in a tight space.

Be certain that these and all candles are NOT set close to anything that could cause a fire hazard, including curtains, paper towels, napkins, dried flowers, table cloths, and other flammable materials.

You will also need:

Create sacred space

Light the Fire candle. Use the extra taper to light the other candles from the flame on the Fire candle. Mix the salt into water. Sprinkle the salt water over and around the altar to purify it. Sprinkle some over yourself. If you have incense, light it now to sweeten the air. Visualize a circle of light forming around yourself and then acknowledge the four elements and call their spirits. You can do this formally as in the Full Moon Circle for a Coven, or simply say something like:

"By the air of the Earth's winds
and the guardians of the east,
By the fire of the Earth's core
and the guardians of the south,
By the water of the Earth's streams, lakes and oceans
and the guardians of the west,
By the stones of the Earth's ancient crust
and the guardians of the north,
By the sacred names of the Goddess and God, this circle is cast."

Invoke Deity

Ask the Goddess and the God to come to your circle. You may invite them under titles such as Lady and Lord or Silver Mother and Green One, or you can use actual names, such as Aradia and Cernunnos.

Prepare and Charge the Candle

Dress the candle by carving whatever symbol you wish to symbolize prosperity. Anoint the candle with oil. Visualize your goal in your mind and charge the candle with that intent. Its a good idea to make you request specific such as:

"I charge this candle for a 3% raise on my hourly rate, by the Lady and Lord."


"Candle of green abundance, I draw to me another job with a higher pay rate, by the Lady and Lord."


"By silver moon and candle bright, I request my car loan be approved."

You ought to be able to come up with better blessings, affirmations, and/or chants to fit you own situation.

Light the candle You ought to ask the Goddess and God to bless your magick.

Allow the candle to burn for awhile. Visualize your goal coming to pass. Ideally you could sit and relax while the candle burns all the way down--which is why smaller candles are ideal.

When you are ready, bind the spell and trace a pentagram in the air over the lit candle.

The Simple Feast

Sometimes solitaries forgo the simple feast for simple rituals to cast spells. It is up to you.

You can partake of the simple feast. Bless the food and drink. Spill a few drops into the libation dish and sprinkle some crumbs of the food into the dish too. Enjoy the Simple Feast. Wicca is a joyous religion.

Thank Deity

Give thanks to the Goddess and God, using either the titles or names you called them by saying something like:

"Lady and Lord,
I thank you
For your presence,
For your magick circle,
For moonlight and candlelight,
And you assistance tonight!
Blessed be!"

Return to Mundane Space

Acknowledge the four elements and their spirits and visualize the circle fading away from around you . You can do this formally as in the Full Moon Circle for a Coven or simply say something like:

"By the air of the Earth's winds
and the guardians of the east,
By the fire of the Earth's core
and the guardians of the south,
By the water of the Earth's streams, lakes and oceans
and the guardians of the west,
By the stones of the Earth's ancient crust
and the guardians of the north,
By the sacred names of the Goddess and God, this circle is erased."

Extinguish all candles except the green candle--if it is still burning.

You may leave the green candle burning as long as you are nearby. Meanwhile clean up all other items. Remember to save the potting soil or sand in the libation dish so that it can be scattered outside with your offerings.

Do not leave any burning candle unattended--including the candle you used for your magick--as this can be a serious fire hazard. If necessary, be prepared to snuff it out, saying:

"Although I extinguish this candle, the magick I lit it for continues burning brightly inside me."

(You may certainly relight this candle again later, if you wish, in order to allow it to finish burning. If you do choose to extinguish and relight any candle dressed for magickal purposes, you need not repeat the entire ritual with water, incense, four element candles, and so forth. Simply repeat your goal to refocus the power each time as you light it. For example, state something such as:

"I light this candle to ______________, by the power of air, fire, water, and earth. In the many names of the Goddess and God.")

Some people will set a candle burning for magickal purposes in an unlit, clean fireplace with a fireguard covering the opening. Others sometimes leave a candle burning inside a kitchen sink.

Please understand that these measures only reduce the risk of a fire hazard and do not eliminate it the way extinguishing a candle would. The creators of this website strongly advise that folks always maintain a "safety first" practice. Any visitor to this website who disregards hazards or common sense involving fire surely invites the wrath of fire elementals.

This basic format can be used in any Solitary Wiccan Candle Magick. Make your goal as specific as possible and remain focused on your intent.

Candle Safety Rules
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