Dark Time of the Year Musings

We are coming down to the darkest time of the year--the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of light. Folklore tells us this is the time of the dark elves, Dokkalfar and the Svartalfar. It's the time of the dark faerie, the Unseelie Court, the spirits of twilight and winter.

The light elves, the Ljosalfar, live in Alfheimr (Elf Home) and Frey is their lord. The Ljosalfar are brighter than the sun in appearance, but the Dokkalfar are blacker than pitch and live below the earth.

Elves, like other spirits, could give gifts, but also cause harm. An alvablast, which might cause skin rashes or other disease, could be caused by the magic of elves. One could appease the elves by offering them a treat such as butter left outside.

Other faerie spirits at this time of year, such as the Julnissen, might be appeased with a bowl of porridge left outside.

Here is a Twilight Incense recipe which may honor and appease some of the spirits abroad at the dark time of the year.

Twilight Incense

4 parts benzoin granules (not powdered)
1 part lemon grass
1 part dried lavender
3 drops of essential lavender oil
1 drop of essential lemon grass oil

Mix in a glass jar large enough that the benzoin only fills the jar about halfway. With an eyedropper, add lavender oil and lemon grass oil. Added lemon grass and dried lavender. Seal with lid. Shake thoroughly. Empty onto a platter to allow the mixture to dry. After dry, store the mixture in another glass jar. Burn on incense charcoal.

We have not yet tried the recipe above, but we're passing it on.

copyright December 15, 2009 Myth Woodling

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