Example 2



Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East,
Spirits of Air;
I do call you up to witness our ritual and to guard the Circle
in the names of Aradia and Cernunnos.
Hail and welcome!


Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South,
Spirits of Fire;
I do call you up to witness our ritual and to guard the Circle
in the names of Aradia and Cernunnos.
Hail and welcome!


Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West,
Spirits of Water;
I do call you up to witness our ritual and to guard the Circle
in the names of Aradia and Cernunnos.
Hail and welcome!


Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North,
Spirits of Earth;
I do call you up to witness our ritual and to guard the Circle
in the names of Aradia and Cernunnos.
Hail and welcome!



Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East,
Spirits of Air,
we do thank you for attending our ritual;
and ere you depart to your lovely realms
We bid you hail and farewell!


Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South,
Spirits of Fire,
we do thank you for attending our ritual;
and ere you depart to your lovely realms
We bid you hail and farewell!


Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West,
Spirits of Water,
we do thank you for attending our ritual;
and ere you depart to your lovely realms
We bid you hail and farewell!


Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North,
Spirits of Earth,
we do thank you for attending our ritual;
and ere you depart to your lovely realms
We bid you hail and farewell!