FAQ: At what age did you realize you were a Witch?

Answer:  Hmmm...

When I was very at a young age (about 5), I decided that "God" was "married" to "Mother Nature," who was the spirit of Earth.  (Yeah, I started young, as a "wee heretic".)  Then, sometime between age 10 and 13, I realized that I simply did not think that the Christian theology--about life, the universe, and every single THING--which I had heard in Sunday schools and churches--did NOT make any frickin' sense to me.

I started reading books about folklore, luck, and magic. I was a “seeker”; I sought knowledge, understanding, safety, spirituality, and a reasonable conduct in life. At age 13, I was introduced to Greek mythology and was intrigued by the Greek deities. I read about Faeries, land spirits, and ghost stories. I even sought information on Christian Gnosticism around high school age.  In college, I read Starhawk's The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess, 1979, and Margot Adler’s Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America, 1979.

I finally found a coven in 1984....so I guess one could honestly say that I figured my true spiritual path out sometime between age 5 and 25.

Myth Woodling, Lammas/Lughnasadh, 8/1/2020

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