Ginger Omelet
A brunch or evening supper for love
for you and significant other
in an established relationship


Combine ingredients in a bowl, saving one half of an egg shell. Fill the half of egg shell with water twice, pouring the water into the bowl each time.

Whip the mixture until it is light and fluffy.

Cook it in a lightly buttered frying pan over low heat until the bottom of the omelet is done. With a utensil, trace the initials of you and your beloved. Fold so the initials are inside the omelet. Serve and divide the omelet between you and your beloved.

Along with this omelet, serve an accompanying dish of fruit such as  fresh cherries, peaches, and/or banannas. Your beverage could be fruite juice, white wine, or champagne.


Yes, this modern recipe  is a love spell or aphrodisiac food. “Nothing says lovin’ like something from the oven”--or the stove…or even the microwave.

Members of established relationships often use erotic underwear, scented oils, new perfurmes/aftershave lotions, and other such things to help refuel romance. Surely, a magical meal such as above can be used to add a little spice.


This is a Wiccan site…and Wiccans do not advise secretly feeding your beloved foods for love without informing her/him about it. You should mention ingredients and the intention behind them.

Remark to your significant other that this wonderful meal is supposed to promote love. Ginger is an alleged aphrodisiac. Yum, yum.

Altenatively, you could  chatter on about Madame du Barry (1743--1793)--the favorite mistress of King Louis XV of France. Did you know Madame du Barry reportedly thought so highly of omelets flavored with fresh ginger that she used to order it served to the king regularly?

Jim Chevallier mentioned the “omelet flavored with fresh ginger” in a quote in, SUNDRIES: An eighteenth century newsletter  - No 17, February 11, 2006:

Marie Comtesse du Barry (18th century), mistress to Louis XV of France, encouraged the greatest cooks of the age to prepare dishes such as soup of shrimps in chicken stock spiced with dill; roast capon stuffed with puree of chestnuts and an omelet flavored with fresh ginger.
Of course, the recipe above is not Madame du Barry’s orginal recipe. That recipe--as far as I know--has been lost. 

I first found a version of the recpipe above which specified the water measured in the egg shell and the use of ginger in a cheesy little spell book. The spell book also claimed that Madame du Barry frequently had omelets with fresh ginger prepared for the king to maintain his sexual interest in her. When I first made this recipe in 1984, I was a newlywed and I could not seem to find any fresh ginger in the local market. I finally decided to use the powdered ginger which I already had in my spice rack. I must admit whenever I made this, I always had trouble with the initials.

Final advice:

By all means use fresh ginger if you wish.  A good cook will often change and adapt a recipe to make it her own. Recipes and magic are very personal and often need to be modified to fit the user. I only recently ref-found this recipe and I might grate some fresh ginger root into the omelet next time.

Copyright 2017 Myth Woodling

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