Toasted Pumpkin Seeds: Nutritious Nibbles

Zinc rich pumpkin seeds are a favorite of many Neo-Pagans and can be set out as a snack as well as a crunchy addition to a community feast.

Traditional Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

Wash seeds thoroughly and place on a baking tray to dry for several hours. Lightly coat seeds with vegetable oil in a bowl and spread thinly on a baking tray sprayed with vegetable oil. Season lightly with salt. Ordinary table salt or sea salt may be used. Too much sodium can adversely affect some people’s health. Bake at 325 degrees for about 25 minutes until golden brown.

For those who wish to try variations on the Traditional Toasted Pumpkin Seeds, try any of the following:

No Salt Pumpkin Seeds: I have toasted the seeds absolutely plain. While I like them, some people commented that they were “kinda bland” or “tasteless.”

Hawaiian Black Salted Pumpkin Seeds: I haven’t tried these yet, but it seems like a nice variation to ordinary table salt or all-natural sea salt. Sprinkle black salt over pumpkin seeds on the tray and bake as above.

Sugar and Spice Pumpkin Seeds: Blend ¼ cup sugar to one tablespoon pumpkin spice. Sprinkle “Sugar and Spice” mixture over pumpkin seeds on the tray and bake as above. I’ve never tasted these, but they sound good.

Cinnamon & Sugar Pumpkin Seeds: Blend ¼ cup sugar to 4 teaspoons ground cinnamon. Sprinkle “Cinnamon & Sugar” over pumpkin seeds on the tray and bake as above. Surprisingly yummy.

Garlic Pumpkin Seeds: Coat seeds lightly with unsalted butter. Sprinkle garlic powder over pumpkin seeds on the tray and bake as above. I haven’t made these, but a friend gave me some. I advise against using garlic salt.

Maryland Pumpkin Seeds: As we grow a lot of pumpkins in Maryland, I share the following suggestion. Sprinkle Old Bay Seasoning over pumpkin seeds on the tray and bake as above. Some say they are wonderful, but Old Bay is high in salt.

Just Can’t Wait Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

Wash seeds thoroughly in a colander and spread out in a thin layer on a baking tray previously sprayed with vegetable oil. Season to taste and bake at 300 degrees for 30 minutes until crisp.

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