Ring Dance

The Ring Dance is a type of group magick, in which all coveners participate together in order to focus their minds and the energy or power they raise on a specific goal.

Different covens have different words which they prefer using.

Many use a single word or specific phrase over and over, which relates to the goal at hand. For example, for a healing magick, it would something like "health" or "strength." For prosperity, it would be something like "abundance."

Some use one of the versions of the Wiccan Chant.

Others may use one of the versions of the EKO EKO Chant.

Whichever words they use, coveners clasp hands and dance in a circle clockwise, sunwise, deosil to raise the cone of power. As they dance, they should visualize the energy moving, swirling, spiraling up clockwise into a cone of blue white light. When whoever is directing the cone--usually the High Priestess or High Priest, senses the cone has reached its peak, she or he shouts "Now!" or "Down!" Coveners intone the short vowel "a" or "ahhh" to send the power off. While intoning the "ahhh" sound, everyone grounds the excess energy.

Wiccan Chant

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