Wiccan Solitary Worship Ritual

There are seven steps you follow for a basic solitary worship ritual. I. Preparation, II. Set aside sacred space, III. Invoke Deity , IV Purpose of Ritual, V. Thanksgiving to Deity, VI. Return to Mundane Space, VII Clean up. Try the ritual below.

I. Preparation

Assemble your items, whatever you think you will need. Set up your altar with two white candles to represent deity. A third, colored red, white, or yellow, will serve as the fire candle* will represent the sacred fire. If necessary, other candles may be used for illumination. If you are outside, all candles will have to be in glass chimneys to protect them from being blown out. Don't forget the matches. Representations of the other three elements, such as a feather for air, bowl of spring water for water, stone for earth, should also be arranged on the altar. In their directions. East=air, South=fire, West=water, North =earth. Salt is also used to represent the earth element. A cup or goblet of wine or juice to salute the Goddess and God should be on the altar as well. If you are inside, you will need a shallow dish to catch the libations. This libation bowl or dish may have stones, sand, or potting soil in it, or it may be empty. You might want bread or cookies as well. Incense carries your prayers to the Gods. The incense symbolizes the element of air.

If you have no preference sandalwood cone or stick incense is a good sent for high spirituality. If you prefer, This general outline can be used to for many circles but I am going to suggest you use it here to focus on the four elements

II. Set aside sacred space

To cast a circle and simply visualize a circle of protective light forming around you. Then say:

"By the air of the Earth's winds,
By the fire of the Earth's core,
By the water of the Earth's streams, lakes and oceans,
By the stones of the Earth's ancient crust,
By the sacred names of the Goddess and God, this circle is cast."

Light the fire candle, saying:

"Blessed be, creature of fire!"

Mix salt into the spring water.

"Blessed be, creature of earth!
Blessed be, creature of water!"

Sprinkle the water and salt mixture over yourself. As water purifies the body salt purifies the soul.

Light the incense and fan it around the circle. You may say,

"Blessed be, creature of air!"

Incense sweetens the air and invokes good spirits.

III. Invoke Deity

Light the two white candles, saying:

"Hail my Lady of many names!
Hail my Lord of many names!
Hail and welcome. "

Longer and more specific invocations can be used, if you feel it is appropriate. The Gods may be called with songs or drumming.

Light any other candles you need for illumination.

IV. Purpose of the Ritual

This ritual is designed to connect with the four elements. Study your altar and the representations you have put there. You might try chanting an old Wiccan chant:


This version of the EKO EKO chant clearly invokes the rulers of the four elements.

Parada rules air and the sylphs. Jinn, or Djinn, rule fire and the salamanders or drakes. Niksa rules water and the undines. Hob or Ghob rule the earth and the gnomes.

If you don't like this old version of the chant, you may try this one:

"Eko Eko Sylphs,
Eko Eko Drakes,
Eko Eko Undines,
Eko Eko Gnomes,
Peace and welcome unto all the spirits,
Peace and welcome unto all the spirits."

"Eko" may derive from a Latin word meaning "Behold."

If you try the newr\er version of the chant, try chanting the first four lines together about five times. Then chant the last two lines about three times.

After you've chanted a version of the EKO EKO Chant, say something like,

"Oh, Rulers of the Elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth, I seek balence from these four elements and understanding as I walk the Wiccan path with the Goddess and God. I have arranged an altar here with symbols of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. I ask for balance and knowledge from the spirits of the elements with the blessings of the Lady and Lord. So mote it be! Blessed be!"

You may spend time contemplating the elements and what you have just said and what this means in you life. Spend as much time as you like.

When you feel you are done, prepare to thank the Lady and Lord as well as the spirits of the four elements.

V. Thanksgiving to Deity

You may now enact the simple feast with juice and bread. Be sure to pour libation drops for the four elements, and their spirits as well as salute the Goddess and God with juice or wine . Be sure to say "I offer this___ for____" as you spill a drop.

If you are outside, pour offerings of liquid on the ground.

If you are inside, pour the liquid into the libation bowl, which may be emptied outside later. Drink the rest of the juice or wine. If you have bread or cookies, crumble some for each of the spirits of the elements and for the Goddess and God. Say something like:

"Thank you, Goddess and God for your blessings and for your presence here."

"Thanks also to the spirits of the four elements. I am glad you came my circle for you presence blessed it. All spirits of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth, as you return to your lovely realms, may peace and balance dwell with you and me."

VIII. Return to Mundane Space

Bid farewell to the four elements.

"By the air of the Earth's winds,
By the fire of the Earth's core,
By the water of the Earth's streams, lakes and oceans,
By the stones of the Earth's ancient crust,
By the sacred names of the Goddess and God, the circle is erased."

Erase the circle by simply visualizing the ring of light fading away clockwise

VII. Cleanup

Snuff the candles. Pour out salt water. If inside, empty libation dish outside. Clean cups and bowls. Carefully store away items till next used.

Alexandrian EKO EKO Chant

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