FAQ: How do you know what kind of witch you are?

FAQ:  How do you know what kind of witch you are? I have a few inklings based on what I'm sort of drawn to…but I don’t really know….

Answer: How do you know what kind of witch you are? The notion that there are specific "kinds of witches" is just meant to give others an idea what sort of things you do.

Let me make that clear: "Witches do."

If you wish to discuss witchcraft you can

A: Discuss what things you already "Do;" or--
B: Discuss/ask questions about what things you WANT to "Do."
You say you already have a "few inklings" based on "what" you are "drawn to"? That’s great! Start with questions about what you are "drawn to".

Ask who has done X?

What is the best way to start doing X?

"Witches" by definition do practice types of witchcraft, aka magick, potions, teas, work with herbs, meditations/pathworking, scrying, different types of divinations...and a whole bunch of other stuff. But only you know exactly what you want to do.

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