Ethics: The Wiccan Rede

Wiccan and Neo-Pagan Morality & Ethics

Joy, balance, and responsibility comprise the doctrines of Wicca and Neo-Paganism. In various codes of ethics and laws, the Wiccan Rede is stated in its many forms.

If it harm none, do as you will.
In the Charge of the Goddess, the Lady of many names exhorts Her children to have:
beauty and strength
power and compassion
honor and humility
mirth and reverence
In 1992, I noted to someone who had written to me that these were key guides or ethical maxims in the daily practice of Wicca.

On this web page, you will see several entries that begin with "Ethics." Below are the links.

Ethics: Codes of Conduct
Ethics: The Rhyming Wiccan Rede
Ethics: Your Personal Rights
Ethics: Sacred Suggestions
Ethics: CPC Code of Honor
Charge of the Goddess

Main Index page