Prayers to Apollo

Phoebus Tirynthia, I pray, please accept this offering on my behalf. This gift I offer in thanks to You for the good health and strength that I have had.
--Anthologia Latina 2.1841

Come, O God, kind patron, come! May you favor us in your presence.
--Anthologia Latina 2.250.12

O Sol, whose light embraces the world, you orbit inexhaustible, forever returning, your face glowing on each day, your horses harnessed as a team to drive your chariot, with manes braided pleasantly they rise high, passing over rose-red clouds as you rein their frothing fires. Already yet another year begins, measured by the footsteps of brothers, who as new consuls gladly offer their prayers and vows.
--Claudius Claudianus In Olybii et Probini fratres Consules Panegyricus 1-7

Come, health-bearing Apollo, come favoring my undertaking.
--Ovid Remedia Amoris 704

Apollo, I beseech you, graciously grant peace, prosperity, safety and sound health to our family, and spare my son by your gracious favour.
--Plautus Mercator 678-80

From the very outset I pray to You, Apollo, inventor of music and of all the healing arts, come to my aid and this undertaking; bless it with Your laurel.
--Ovid Remedia Amoris 75-6

Apollo, as it is prescribed for you in those books – and for this reason may every good fortune attend the Roman people, the Quirites – let sacrifice be made to you with nine popana, and nine cakes, and nine phthoes. I beg and pray [that you may increase the sovereign power and majesty of the Roman people, the Quirites, in war and peace; as you have always watched over us among the Latins. Forever may you grant safety, victory and health to the Roman people, the Quirites. May you bestow your favor on the Roman people, the Quirites, and on the legions of the Roman people, the Quirites. May you preserve the health and welfare of the people of Rome, the Quirites, and may you always remain willingly favorable and propitious to the people of Rome, the Quirites, to the college of the quindecimviri, to me, to my house and household. May you accept [this] sacrifice of nine female lambs and nine she-goats, to be burnt whole for you in sacrifice. For these reasons may you be honored and strengthened with the sacrifice of this female lamb, and become favorable and propitious to the Roman people, the Quirites, to the college of the quindecimviri, to myself, to my house, and to my household.] Apollo, just as I have offered popana and prayed to you with proper prayer, for this same reason be honored with these sacrificial cakes. Become favorable and propitious. [Apollo, just as I have offered phthoes cakes and prayed to you with proper prayer, for this same reason be honored with these sacrificial cakes. Become favorable and propitious.
--Corpus Inscriptiones Latinae 141-46; [92-99]: Acta Sacroum Saeculares

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