Charm For A Sprain

For A Sprain
"As St Agnes went over the moon to the mountain of Moses, she fell and her foot turned. But sinue to sinue, and bone to bone, God makes all right to him who has faith; and be thou healed, O man, in Jesus' name. Amen. "

Kathryn Paulsen, The Complete Book of Magic and Witchcraft, 1970, 1980. p111

Back in 1981, I found this charm in Kathryn Paulsen's book. In 2016, I found another version of this charm in an article on the web.
Charm for a Sprain:
As St Agnes went over the moor to the mountain of Moses, she fell with her foot turned. But sinew to sinew, and bone to bone, God makes all right to him who has faith; and be thou healed, in Jesus name. Amen.

--Phyllis Doyle Burns, Charms, Cures, Herbal Remedies from Ancestors of Granny Women, February 22, 2016, accessed 3/172016.

Myth's Notes

The above cure is not Italian, it's actually a variant of the Charm of the Sprain. Variants of this verbal healing charm were found all over the British Isles. However, I've included it because this variant mentions "St Agnes went over the moon." It is a phrase I've always found intriguing and odd since St Agnes is not especially--to my knowledge--associated with the moon or saintly translunar journeys. St Agnes of Rome was the patron saint of virgin girls, as well as purity and chastity.

There were definitely Scottish practices associating her with divination. On January 20, Saint Agnes' Eve, Scottish girls would meet in a crop field at midnight, throw grain onto the soil, and pray:

Agnes sweet and Agnes fair,
Hither, hither, now repair;
Bonny Agnes, let me see
The lad who is to marry me.
I wonder if this variant of the Charm of the Sprain is Scottish? Likely it does come from the British Isles, but where Kathryn Paulsen collected it from isn't clear.

As I stated above, I found another version of the charm invoking St. Agnes, which is apparently Irish. I now speculate that the "mountain of Moses" in both Paulsen's version and Burns's version is a reference to the holy mountain at which God spoke to Moses and gave the Ten Commandments. According to the Book of Exodus, Mount Sinai is the mountain where this happened--though this mountian seems rather far from the moors in the British Isles.

Nevertheless in 2010, I used the St Agnes variant of the "Charm of the Sprain" to create a version invoking Aradia.

As Aradia flew over the moon to the mountain of Diana,
she fell and her foot turned.
But sinew to sinew, and bone to bone,
Luna makes all right to those who believe.
Be healed in Aradia's name.

Recite this charm over an injured area while wrapping it in a bandage.

I eventually shared this charm with some Italian practitioners who told me they liked the charm and "didn't see a problem with it."

--copyright 2010, 2016 Myth Woodling

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