Protection Spell Using Old Railroad Spikes

Get 4 old Railroad Spikes and a shovel or hand trowel. Also get 4 pennies. Traditionally, it was 4 Indian head pennies; BUT you can use 4 pennies in circulation that are newer, with the shield design on the reverse. Go to the four corners of your house near the foundation. Dig a hole deep enough at each corner to bury a spike point down. Tap the spike gently in place in the dirt with a hammer. (Do NOT do something like accidentally hammer a spike into your foundation wall!) Now put the shield penny on top of the spike; cover the spike and penny with more dirt; stamp it down. Put grass seed over it, if you wish. Repeat with the other three corners. Now say a prayer, like the Lord's Prayer and "a Psalm of protection".

Recite Psalm 23, or specific verses from one or more of the Psalms: Psalm 4:8, Psalm 27:1, Psalm 28:6-9, Psalm 31:1-5, Psalm 46:1-2, Psalm 91:1-2, Psalm 121:1-8. You might find it works best if you say it at all four corners. Or it is possible than ONCE is plenty.

Another suggested method is: Anoint 4 Railroad Spikes with protection oil, pray Psalm 91 over them, chant over them "This/My/Our home is protected, hammer them down in the four corners of your property.” The old railroad spikes are used to nail down one's house and property so that neither the bank, creditors, nor wind, nor water, can take the family home.

A different source suggested reciting the "Saint Michael Prayer”.

April 14, 2021

The Lord's Prayer
Psalms and Verses in Hoodoo
Working the Spell
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