Wealth and Success Incenses

Success Incense 1#
sandalwood 7 ounces
frankincense 2 ounces
cinnamon 2 ounce
orrisroot 1/2 ounce
myrrh 1/4 ounce
bayberry oil

Success Incense 2#
3 parts wood aloe
2 parts frankincense
1 part nutmeg

Business Success Incense
2 parts benzoin
1 part cinnamon
1 part basil

Honors and Aclaim Incense
2 parts benzoin
1 part wood aloe
1/2 part rue or pepperwort

Power Incense
wood base 4 ounces w/ red
or sandalwood 4 ounces
sandalwood 2 ounces
frankincense 2 ounces
cinnamon 1 ounce
myrrh 1/2 ounce
orrisroot 1/2 ounce
peppermint 1/4 ounce
cinnamon oil

One can use either a very fine sawdust as the "wood base" or sandalwood as the "wood base." If using a sawdust "wood base," add red food coloring in a little water to the sawdust to tint it. If not using a sawdust "wood base," intead use sandalwood as the "wood base."

Money Drawing Incence 1#
2 parts frankincense
1 part cinnamon
1 part nutmeg
1/2 part clove
1/2 part ginger
1/2 part sandalwood

Money Drawing Incence 2#
wood base 8 ounces w/green
or cedar 8 ounces
frankincense 4 ounces
cinnamon 4 ounce
sandalwood 2 ounces
myrrh 1 ounce
orrisroot 1 ounce
nutmeg oil
cedar oil

One can use either a very fine sawdust as the "wood base" or cedar as the "wood base." If using a sawdust "wood base," add green food coloring in a little water to the sawdust to tint it. If not using a sawdust "wood base," intead use cedar as the "wood base."

Common Incense Recipes
Working the Spell
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